Old(er) News
- 05/01/2024: I am reviewing for RepL4NLP 2024.
- 02/06/2024: I am reviewing for The First Conference on Language Modeling.
- 12/24/2023: I am reviewing for ICML 2024.
- 08/29/2023: I am reviewing for ICLR 2024.
- 06/12/2023: I am reviewing for EMNLP 2023 and its industry track.
- 05/15/2023: I am reviewing for RANLP 2023.
- 05/11/2023: I am reviewing for IJCNLP-AACL 2023.
- 04/03/2023: I am reviewing for Repl4NLP 2023.
- 03/28/2023: I am reviewing for NeurIPS 2023.
- 12/12/2022: I am reviewing for ACL 2023.
- 09/01/2022: I have joined the CEW&T Mentorship Program at IU.
- 08/03/2022: I am reviewing for ICLR 2023.
- 06/15/2022: I am reviewing for EMNLP 2022.
- 06/13/2022: Our paper about multilingual multimodal telicity is accepted at INLG 2022.
- 06/12/2022: I am reviewing for AACL-IJCNLP 2022.
- 06/07/2022: I am attending NAACL 2022 in person.
- 05/22/2022: I am virtually attending ACL 2022. Check out our program page here: Microsoft at ACL 2022.
- 04/04/2022: Our paper about empathy detection and emotion classification is accepted at the WASSA 2022 Shared Task.
- 02/10/2022: The 9th Annual Summit on Women & Technology organized by CEW&T is open for registration.
- 02/10/2022: I am doing a CEW&T Python crash course with my advisor Sandra.
- 01/06/2022: I am reviewing for ICML 2022.
- 11/17/2021: I am reviewing for Natural Language Engineering.
- 10/04/2021: I am reviewing for the IULC Working Papers.
- 06/04/2021: I have accepted a job offer from Microsoft and will start this
AugustOctober. - 04/29/2021: I am in the inaugural set of reviewers for ACL Rolling Review and hope to help reshape the (rather stressful) peer review process in our community.
- 04/09/2021: I am the publicity chair of DeepCBR at IJCAI 2021 (CFP).
- 04/09/2021: I am doing a CEW&T LaTeX workshop with my advisor Sandra.
- 04/02/2021: I am giving a talk at IU Linguistics’ Research Round Robin.